OnCall Application

UX Design Case Study

Project Overview

OnCall is a mobile application that allows users to find and book appointments with local doctors and health services in their area. OnCall aims to streamline to existing appointment reservation process to improve accessibility and retention for both patients and health care professionals. OnCall's target audience includes young and working adults who are looking for appointments on demand or with soonest availability.

My Role

UX designer designing an app from conception to delivery

Project Duration

September 2020 - December 2020


Human Computer Interaction

OnCall Main Image
View Prototype

The Problem

For those that move frequently or are in need of immediate medical attention, finding an available and trustworthy doctor is not as easily accessible as it should be. The existing process to find doctors is time consuming and inefficient.

The Goal

Design an app to streamline the process of comparing doctors and booking appointments to improve accessibility for both patients and health care professionals.

Survey Results

OnCall Survey results

Paper Wireframes

OnCall Paper Wireframes

High Fidelity Prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype presented a complete user flow,
allowing full experience of navigation through the application.

Attached below is a link to the high fidelity prototype of the OnCall application.

View Prototype
OnCall Mockups