Custom Comfort Website

UX Design Case Study

Project Overview

Custom Comfort is a website that allows users to upload or find designs to create the hoodies and sweatshirts they dream of. Custom Comfort provides a wide range of styles and sizes to fit the needs of any user. Custom Comfort’s target audience includes a wide variety of people of all ages whether they are ordering sweatshirts for teams, events, businesses, or for personal use.

My Role

UX designer designing an app from conception to delivery

Project Duration

October 2021


Google UX Design Professional Certificate

Custom Comfort Main Img 3

The Problem

Current websites where users can customize and order sweatshirts online only cater to individual or mass orders. It is difficult for users to find and create designs all in one place.

The Goal

Design a website that can provide customization services for both users looking to order for either themselves or in mass quantity.

Main Screens

Custom Comfort Main Screens Mobile
Custom Comfort Main Screens Desktop



The primary user groups identified through research are working and young adults. Research has confirmed the initially assumed target audience of Custom Comfort, as well as expanded reasoning why many people look to place custom orders online. Many users that are looking to order in high quantity want to be able to personalize items for teams, staff members, or other large groups. When seeking to place large orders, being able to help all users find or upload their design quickly as well as make specific requests help improve the user’s experience, by saving them time and streamlining the existing process.

Pain Points

Custom Comnfort Pain Points


Custom Comfort Persona

Site Map

Custom Comfort Sitemap

Paper Wireframes

Custom Comfort Paper Wireframes A
Custom Comfort Paper Wireframes B

Low Fidelity Prototype

After completing the pages of the digital wireframes, I created low-fidelity prototypes.
The user flow followed the process of browsing through designs, customizing
the sweater, then placing an order so that it can be used in a usability study.

Attached below are the links to the low-fidelity prototypes of Custom Comfort.

View Lo-Fi Desktop PrototypeView Lo-Fi Mobile Prototype
GoodEats Low-Fi Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

Desktop Site

The final high-fidelity prototype presented a complete user flow,
allowing full experience of navigation through the website.

Attached below is a link to the high fidelity prototype of the Custom Comfort website.

View Desktop Prototype
Custom Comfort Desktop Mockups B

High Fidelity Prototype

Mobile Application

After further design iteration, a high fidelity prototype was created for a responsive
mobile site to demonstrate an improved user flow from mobile devices.

Attached below is a link to the high fidelity prototype of the responsive mobile website.

View Mobile Prototype
Custom Comfort Mobile Mockups C